Sharing life lessons

Blessed with a long and active life, sharing what I learned, taught by others, or by the vagaries of life seems an increasingly rewarding mission.

It is about celebrating the prodigious achievements of diverse people in business adventures or of those in government promoting and maintaining peace in our troubled world that I was lucky to know and meet.

It is about seeing younger leaders in science, business or government reassured that they too can reach lofty goals when told what was achieved by their elders.

Writing books to spread these learnings is one way to fulfill this new mission, but interacting with readers through this website and blog would greatly enhance it by sharing readers experiences and comments or suggestions about stories to be told. I look forward exchanging with you.

My books

The Microchip Revolution

A Brief History

Co-writing with E. Marshall Wilder


Europe's/Economic recovery 1945-1952


Pour relancer l'économie européenne 1945-1952